Get in Touch
Vancouver Sales: 604-299-1683 or (toll free) 1-877-299-1683
Calgary Sales: 587-320-2340
Purchasing and Admin: 604-299-1684 or (toll free) 1-877-299-1684
Phone Hours: 8am to 4pm everyday (excluding Christmas Day)
We can also be reached by fax or carrier pigeon: 604-299-1673
If you’d like to become a customer email us at info@discoveryorganics.ca
Job Opportunities
We attract some really excellent people! We are strong advocates of Fair Trade and fair labour practices. We might be hiring! Feel free to send us a resume to info@discoveryorganics.ca
Our Locations
880 Malkin Avenue
Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6A 2K6
Building A Bays #5-8
4216 54 Avenue SE
Calgary, AB, Canada, T2C 2E3