Hot Shots - April 12, 2024
Hot Shots - April 12, 2024
Charmaine Yam
Hello fellow, produce enthusiasts and voyagers of the culinary cosmos,
Here I stand, at the helm of my inaugural Hot Shots entry, ready to embark on a produce odyssey with all of you. I've often stumbled upon a dissonance between the fluidity of spoken expression and the refinement of written craftsmanship. But fear not, for in the pursuit of mastery, one must confront their shortcomings with gusto and an insatiable appetite for growth.
But before we dive into the depths of culinary contemplation, a brief glimpse into the soul behind the words, let me introduce myself.
I am Charmaine Yam, yes, Yam like the humble tuber found adorning plates worldwide. But don't let the name fool you; I'm not just about yams; I'm all about celebrating every ingredient, from the most underrated vegetables, (Brussel sprouts, fennel, watercress), to the simplest herbs, exotic spices, and the oh so popular "an apple a day" to "rhubarb is the it thing for the next 3 weeks". From my earliest memories, I've harboured a deep-seated affection for food and kitchen utensils. My parents fondly recount the tale of my first encounter with Cantonese-style lobster, illuminating my eyes like a Christmas tree, lip smackingly delicious, and the joy I found in rummaging through cupboards for pots and pans. It all dawned on me when I asked my dad if I could help with dinner and had unmolded my first steaming hot bowl of upside-down rice on a plate, woahh...
Originating from the culinary arts, corporate kitchens, and office landscapes, I eventually found my stride amidst the chaos, leading me to the heart of compliance. A decade has passed since then, marked by triumphs, laughter, compliance conundrums, culinary mishaps, and invaluable lessons gleaned from Randy's weekly ramblings to Annie's influential embrace and empowerment through proactive and action-oriented mindsets at Discovery Organics. Returning to my roots of where it began, I am embraced by the cool sanctuary of Discovery Organics' storehouses. I'm greeted by a symphony of scents and sights, a testament to the ever-changing dance of fresh produce. Who will emerge as the star of the show? Whose fate hangs delicately on the edge of spoilage? And in the midst of it all, what culinary escapade will grace my table tonight fashioned from the treasures at hand?
Let’s take a look to see what I have discovered.
Red Sprout Cabbage Tops from Longview - available in 12CT or 24CT bunches
These little gems pack a delightful flavor profile—think slightly sweet with a hint of peppery goodness. Additionally, their vibrant purple color indicates the presence of anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants are often linked to various health benefits, including reducing inflammation and improving heart health.
Now, let's talk about digestion. If cabbage tends to wreak havoc on your gut. Try steaming those tops before incorporating them into your juice, smoothy or salads. Alternatively adding a sprinkle of caraway, fennel seeds, turmeric, or ginger to your dishes has been known to help aid digestion and reduce gas when consuming cruciferous vegetables.
Spinach from Longview - available in 24ct or 12ct bunches
At home and the in culinary realm, we often overlook the unsung heroes of fruits and vegetables. Take, for instance, those adorable pink crowns at the rear ends of spinach. Traditionally discarded, these possess a sweetness that rivals even the most tender spinach leaves! Some might dismiss this as frugal eating, but to me, it's a delicacy.
After giving them a thorough wash, I love incorporating them into dishes like fragrant curry or whipping up a quick pickle and stuffing them into Onigiri, those delightful Japanese rice balls wrapped in seaweed. The result? A symphony of flavors that will leave you craving more. Trust me, it's a culinary journey worth embarking on. Yum!
“Bellissimo Radicchio!” from Earthbound
Juicy 48CT Navel Oranges from Rainbow Valley
Artichokes 18ct from Lakeside
Heirloom Tomatoes from Origino
I hope you have enjoyed the gander and my candor. More chats and stories next week!
Until then, may your produce aisles be teeming with seasonal bounties for all to purchase and relish, and may your kitchens overflow with the delightful essence of spring's embrace.
- The Compliance Officer