Buyer's Notes - November 5, 2021

Buyer’s Notes - November 5, 2021

Stefan Misse, Carter Selmes-Blythe, Brody Irvine, Jon Maheswaran, Randy Hooper - Discovery Organics

From Stefan: 

Starting off with the disaster of the year.  Central Mexico had, by all accounts, their worst summer in history with up to 4 times as much rain as they normally receive in their May to September rainy season.  We will see the impacts of this into January across a wide range of products.  Ecocampos and Bianche both lost their first seedings into fields which became water-logged.  For us, the biggest disaster for our growers is our long time Avocado growers – Pragor.

Apples - Finally we have the long awaited and sometimes forgotten Golden Delicious in. A great apple for dressing up those displays from the monotonous red apple stream. BC Pinks should be here in a week or so.

Avocados - Pragor will be ending their season early this year due to the ongoing heavy rains and hail storms this summer and autumn. The Hass skins have taken a beating and they have picked through their orchards for export quality and now the rest is going to sell nationally. Usually, they harvest into April so this is quite unprecedented.  Avocado markets are predominantly fed by Michoacan, so expect markets to remain quite strong as most growers are going to feel the brunt of this as well.  Over 700 truckloads move north from that area every day – any major drop will be felt.

Berries - All berry varieties are on hand now! Finally back on track with all the players in the category.

Citrus – the first Satsumas are here Sunday, and on Monday will pick up the first 4# cases of Chinese Mandarins. Pricing is up on those as the sea freight shipping costs from China are 300% up over the same period last year.

Grapefruit - steady here with more California fruit coming on.  Not sure if we will be able to get any more Pragor FT fruit.

Limes - steady as well

Lemons - not much new to report except Meyer lemons are coming soon- 2 weeks? Pricing continues to amble down as more fruit comes on the market.

Oranges - Navels and Valencias are just around the corner. It’s been a rough start with fruit showing distress during gassing and going more yellow than orange in colour. Allied mentioned they had to double gas last week just to get the colour to a light orange hue.  Un-gassed navels are likely 3-4 weeks away, and they can shut off the ethylene machines.

Pears - BC Bartletts are nearly done. We should have a good supply on Washington through Christmas. We have added some more red pear options to brighten up your displays.

From Carter:

Asparagus – several brands in-house, pricing excellent, 2 Mexican regions in the mix.

Tropicals – cucumber and zucchini markets are in the tank for the most part with Sonora growers in the market with early production crowding soCal where production is still strong.  Surprisingly good pricing out there on eggplant.  Tomato and pepper markets are super tight – limited production and high demand – Origino is wrapping up on everything over the next 2 weeks as well, so although listed, it will be first come first served. 

From Brody:

Bunch beets – local winding down, California struggling on volume.

Broccoli Bunch/Crowns - several growers have had new acreage come on this week and prices have plummeted.

Carrots – still waiting for supply from Fountainview – it’s a labour thang!  Bunched - pretty well wrapping up BC Season .

Celery – local wrapping up, prices still weak in California, and will be for another week, then coastal growers clean house, desert growers aren’t in full production, and US Thanksgiving sucks the market up.

Cauliflower – Markets are tightening up but pricing still very doable.

Leaf – very, very limited – prices are reflecting this.

Peas – still very tight until central Mexico production kicks in.

From Jon:

Grapes - red and green grapes from California are looking steady – several more weeks to look forward to.

Pomegranates - slowly winding down. Count sizes will be bigger going forward. 34/36s and 40/44s.

Persimmons - local fuyus are here! Hachiyas are also winding down for the season.

Melons - full selection with Sonora growers hitting stride. Deals on 9 count cantaloupes.